I know I keep saying it, but I’m one lucky woman. Some months ago now, I got to spend a couple of days with a group of young men involved with the College Success Foundation of the District of Columbia. They were in North Carolina at the tail end of an intensive summer academic program. I met them at Morehead City, just as they were about to board the fishing vessel “Continental Shelf.” We took a mighty bumpy ride over the Beaufort Inlet to Shackleford Banks, in the rain. None of us, myself included, was really ready for the rain, and so we all swaddled ourselves in makeshift gear made of garbage bags.
I’ll be blunt: I expected whining from this group of city boys, but how wrong I was.
They were in it, and nothing could stop them from soaking up every moment of the day.
Here is a snapshot of that day, in their words and in the photographs of David Wilson.